Constitutional Connection:
Article 1 Section 2: "The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each state shall have at least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the state of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three."
Analysis of the Connection:
Well I always hear that people should have the same rights. Women should also get the same amount of money as man do. People should be able to do what they want to do and go where they want to go. Since people want the same rights on a lot of different subjects, I believe that each state should have the same amount of Representatives talking for them. Other states do not need more representatives just because they are a bigger state, their voices will still be heard if they had two people instead of eight people.
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