Source: "Today's eerie similarities to Oklahoma City" May 6, 2010
Constitutional Connection: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
Analysis of the Connection: People today are crazy! Why would anybody kill 168 people, and 19 of them are under six years old. Well a man named Timothy McVeigh boomed 168 people at the Oklahoma City federal building. Him and his partner had taken apart in the bombing because they thought that the government was not doing their jobs. Some militia groups gained traction after Bill Clinton was elected. The government started to ban rifles in 1994, that is what made Timothy McVeigh really mad. He was really mad because they was taken away their right to bear arms, as stated in the second Amendment. Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people because of that. I think that what he and his partner did was really not necessary. They could have showed that they was angry in a different way. Now, i believe in the Second Amendment but I think that their should be something in The Constitution of the United States of America that can suspend the Second Amendment for the summer or something. I think this way because most gun accidents happen in the summer time. If their is a ban on guns in the summer time in the past there will still be a lot of children with their parents.

For example my play brother Blair Holt. Blair was a big brother to me and was always there for me and a lot of other people too. He was coming home from school and got shot because some crazy person got on the bus and tried to shot a young lady. Blair threw himself in front of her so she wont get hurt, by him doing that he died. Guns need to be banned during the summer and that is a necessity, not a wont!
I like how you connected this amendment directly to your life. I am sorry to hear that Blair Holt died, just think of it as him being an angel. I personally think that handguns should be banned in public altogether not just in the summer time. I do not think someone should be allowed to carry a weapon that easily in the streets. So many people have died due to wreckless violence due to handguns in the streets.