Source: "Death penalty decisions loom for Barack Obama" May 18, 2010
Constitutional Connection: "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."
Analysis of the Connection: The hardest decision to make is to choose if a human being should live or die. Well President Obama may have to make that very hard decision vary soon. Due to cases winding their way through the federal courts. And while Obama is on record supporting the death penalty for particularly heinous crimes, that’s a far cry from deciding whether a specific man’s life should be taken or spared. I do not believe in the death penalty because the fact I do not think that anyone person, or a jury of people, have the right to tell somebody that they should die. I understand that they did a unthinkable crime, but they should just stay alive. If they live they will have to deal with what they did, and that is worse than just dieing.

This is one of the Death champers that used to be used
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